The Warrior is a Child

Happy Monday to all of you!
How was your weekend and Father's Day?
My dad's been gone for awhile. I sure miss him.
Makes one value our loved ones while their with us.
As a young girl many times in circumstances happening I felt like Father God was all I had. Because of my relationship with Him at a very young age, and my dad's love for me in spite of his alcoholism,  I just always felt like I had hope to hang on to. 

Usually this blog is where I share bit more about me where it wouldn't be appropriate on my business blogs. 
So I'm eating my homemade chili and sharing what's been on my mind the past few days. 
Facebook is so fickle and makes people so at times as well. To share and expect a heartfelt response on my personal facebook is seldom going to happen.
Part of the problem is we all live our lives and attention span so fast one has to be outrageously witty to get anyone's attention. I'm working on that outrageous and witty but I haven't arrived. Besides the fact if people don't care enough to interact is it really worth the effort!

I am intentionally slowing down to appreciate what's important. Since I'm having to work full time for a bit, some things just don't get done but what is important.
I hate working outside of my passion with my business but it's necessary for right now.

I didn't ask for some things in life like a husband who is narcissistic and a child molester but it sure has turned my world upside down. 
It's been a year and 2 months since he's been gone and still I experience so much aftermath although I'm doing alright as I go through things.
Little things come up that I have to deal with.
Last week I encountered a person that genuinely used to seem to care at the church I was involved in and yesterday saw a person's fb page from the same church who told me their not on facebook anymore has posted on their page regularly and doesn't accept my friend request.  It brings up that can of worms that the besides one person no one from that church family reaches out or shows any support.
I could ponder in my head and heart till Jesus comes that I'm blamed for the unspeakable my soon to be ex did to my grand daughter and took the churches worship leader away or they believe he's innocent and I'm the idiot. (a normalcy for narcissists to set up) 
Reality is just because people know Jesus doesn't mean they have arrived or listen to the Holy Spirit beyond what benefits them. It's been a hard pill to swallow that the last church I would consider going to has no more depth than my neighbor next door. (No one lives next door lol)
I do ask the Lord, "what has happened to people really loving God and others beyond words?"

Regardless, I'm still that little girl that walks and talks with Jesus. I'm still the warrior that is a child and crawls up in the safe arms of my Father God!

God still loves all those who are steeped in religiosity and lack of real concern beyond their benefit. He still draws them and He still is healing my broken heart.
Ok enough of all this for now. Thanks for reading.
Love ya


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